Monday, August 23, 2010

The Magic Window

For some people, writing is frustrating. For many others, writing is a kind of nightmare. At least that's what to most of my friends. Once I wrote an article for my company. Talking about villas in Bali. Some of my colleagues asked me some simple question.

"How can you do that?"

"Why do you want to do that?"

Someone even asked me a bit silly question.

"Did you write it?"

For a while I just laugh and smile. Only a short sentence came out from my mouth. "Yes, I love to do it."

Writing is such another life for me. Though maybe I cannot write as good as what famous writers do. I just happy to tell what I've thought. It's better for me to write the things just as what I want than talking too much with the others.

I like talking with friends about some problems I've found. But I've never find it helps me so much in relieving the pain. But while writing, I can be a man. I can be a woman. I can be anyone I like. I can be a seller or a traveler. Old or young. I can also be nice, be mad, or be annoying. I can learn to see a single problem from various types of point of view. And it helps me to set my mind, if its not solving my problem.

Imagination is like a magic window. You should open it with the right key. The special one. Then once it is open, you can find a million things outside. All you have to do is following your rule. Your very own rule. You can find a foot lane. A way that some people have found before you. You may follow the lane if you prefer. But don't ever be afraid of opening your personal way. You may be crashed and hurt somehow, but you'll find an unforgettable experience after this hard work.

Many people love read also. But for me, a good reader has a great chance to be a good writer as well. Being a good writer has been my greatest dream. Though I haven't reach it today, but I will make it someway.